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Case study on overheating of flats in London

The BBSA’s PhD Researcher, Zoe De Grussa carried out environmental monitoring of some flats in north London in late summer and early autumn 2016.

The monitoring involved taking operative temperatures in a flat without solar shading (control) and then applying different solar shaidng devices to an adjacent flat to test the benefit solar shading can bring to reducing operative temperatures.

The maximum operative temperature recorded in the unshaded roof was 47.5C and external shading was proven to reduce internal operative temperatures by between 10 – 18C and internal solar shading by 8 – 13C (at 95% confidence levels).

The resultant paper A Case Study assessing the impact of Shading Systems combined with Night-Time Ventilation strategies on Overheating within a Residential Property was first presented at the 38th AIVC – 6th TightVent & 4th Venticool Conference, 2017 Ventilating healthy low-energy buildings, 13-14 September 2017, University Of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK.

Download the report here: Overheating Case Study, De Gussa et al

See a video summary of this report here.

See a simple two page summary here.